About Me
Well you've somehow stumbled upon one of my homes on the net. It's been decided recently that apparently I am a pod (Seinfeld reference). It basically means I'm not what you would call completely normal. Of course, in my opinion, no one is normal, it's just that some people hide it better than others. If you are wondering what this blog is all about, it's essentially a collection of poems, songs and journal-like entries by me. You also get the odd random quote, or observation. I hope you enjoy this site, cheers!
All posts and sections can be made visible or hidden by clicking on the title. This includes the date. Try clicking on one, it'll be a blast. The page views best with Mozilla Firefox.'
Something To Ponder
'Cross the starry sky
It sped
Looming for a moment
Of eternity
Time stood but still for
A lost soul
Who glimpsed but a second
Current Album of Choice
In A Coma
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Thank you for visiting missing reality. All content is owned by me,
David Novosel, unless otherwise noted.
I hope you had a fun visit, please return soon for more insanity.
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